Friday, January 14, 2011

Left toe stubbed after right Ankle surgery.... result...

... Second pic is the cast from the ankle surgery.. It was operated on on Jan. 12th at 3:25 p.m till about 5:30 p.m. I was awake only 15 minutes afterwards and was awake right up to the minute I was wheeled into the room. I didn't remember anything after that... The only bad thing was severe nausea after the operation. But by 10 or so that night it was mostly gone. My ankle was a bit sore the next day, but by the morning of the 14th (today) I have no pain at all. So I'm pretty stoked about that. Yesterday I did stub my toe, with the accompanying torrent of curse words, and I just had to take a picture of how purple that is.. picture 1.


Blogger BJDorr2 said...


1:10 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Left toe is fine now. Musta not been too bad. Right ankle doing unusually great. Still, I have 6 1/2 more weeks without weight on the foot! Doh!

4:58 PM  

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